Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cooking with No Food

Jack-hand recipes
Ok. This post is more about our cooking adventure than it is about the food. We had essentially no food in the house so it was time to be creative. I thought we should make biscuits. Much discussion ensued about what to eat with biscuits.

Tamara is partial to her mom’s recipe for biscuits, so we called Andrea and asked her for the recipe. We also asked what we should have on the biscuits and she suggested Creamed Tuna. We got that recipe from her too. I used Jack-hand (not real shorthand) to copy it down. I wrote really fast.
Jack stirring cream sauce
This is my first cream sauce I’ve ever made. Please don’t notice that I’m in my pajamas. Really the sauce in this picture is ready for me to move on to the next step, but it’s waiting for its picture to be taken. This sauce starts off with a roux. I had never made a roux before either.

Tamara made the biscuits without any help from me, so there are no pictures of me making the biscuits. And my pajamas stayed clean. (no flour)
Yum. CTR Biscuits
Here is the meal. In the foreground you see pears in a little fruit bowl that Tamara got from her mom and dad for Christmas. We love our little fruit bowls and we’re glad to be using our nice china again because it’s microwave safe and dishwasher safe, which the Christmas dishes weren’t.

To the right is the Creamed Tuna, which we put on the biscuits like gravy. It was yum if I do say so myself.

In back you see the biscuits. Some are Choose the Right shaped biscuits. They were yum too.


Joanne said...

It looks like a great dinner to me! I've always enjoyed creamed tuna on baking powder biscuits. And I love the creativity of the biscuit cutter! Always CTR!

Janet said...

Cooking should always be such a successful adventure :)

Andrea said...

Glad I could help! I bought the ingredients yesterday so that I can make it this week!