Friday, August 1, 2008

Wow Library!

I've been going to the Noble Science Library at ASU pretty regularly of late and not really looking around. I had noticed before that there were individual study rooms upstairs because they have big nice windows overlooking the Library common area. Today I went up to use one for the first time because I had phone calls to make and I didn't want to disturb the rest of the patrons. Up the spiral staircase I went and what did I find? Electronic sliding bookcases! They're so fancy! It's row upon row of space efficiency.

I'm not actually interested in these particular volumes, but I suddenly fell in love with the facility. The study rooms provide great pseudo-privacy. There are two printing stations conveniently located on two floors. There are couches and tables and a paper slicer and all kinds of things to make a student happy, even games.

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