My professor for two classes, Mr. Burger, is sick and will not be joining us anymore. This is especially unfortunate as one of his replacements is a woman with an intensely somnolent voice and the other is some arabic or asian dude with a really bad accent who speaks really fast so that I can only understand half of what he says when I'm paying close attention and less if I'm trying to multitask. His name is Satendra, which he pronounced Say-TEN. (no pun intended, I think...)
That's rough.
What a major bummer!
Most unfortunate for you and your professor.
I feel for you! I had a lab teacher (grad student) in microbiology who was from a Middle Eastern country. We just couldn't understand him. He kept telling us to put our petri dishes in the refuge area. One of us finally figured out he meant refrigerator! Good luck!
It's always a bummer when the good teachers leave :(
It's even more of a bummer than we thought. The lady teacher assigned a test for this Thursday (not on the former syllabus), which means Jack can't come on the family vacation. Bummer. ...major bummer!
That is a super major bummer! We will miss you, Jack! Study hard and ace that test!
I heard a rumor that you might get to have Mr. Burger again in the Fall. Hopefully he will be back to teaching and it makes for a good semester. : )
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