Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fixing the Dryer

I thought I was just going to clean up the floor by the dryer, but I ended up cleaning out the vent tube and straightening it so that the air would pass through more easily. This was at Tamara's brand new apartment. This is what it looks like when I add a picture directly from picasa instead of logging into my blog and adding a picture from there.
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Hi! Welcome to my new blog.

After making a new blog for Tamara and one for Andrea I was jealous and wanted one like theirs, so I made one for myself. We've had a lot of fun having Andrea here. She's been a great help to Tamara in getting moved into her new apartment. We had a great time at the Tempe Arts Festival and at the Renaissance Faire.

I did not intend that Tamara's first post be doting on me like that permanently. I thought she would laugh at it and then change it to something completely different, but instead she just edited it and left my humor for all to see!